Foodstand, Inc. Apps

Ditch the tedious calorie counting to get (andstay) healthy once and for all. Foodstand is an app that helps youeat healthier through our fun, community-powered Good EatingChallenges. Challenges are based on basic good eating principlesthat apply to everyone. Nearly every Registered Dietician,Physician, and healthcare professional will agree that we’ll all bebetter off if we stop counting calories and instead focus on:- Eating less processed food- Eating more plants- Eating fewer animal products- Eating more mindfullyIf you, like many of us, will only stop eating junk food or fastfood when someone pries it from your hands despite knowing veggiesare better, you know old habits die hard. That’s why FoodstandChallenges are designed based on the latest in habit buildingresearch and behavioral therapy to ensure you’ll be successful, andwill enjoy the process along the way.Top features:- Fun challenges to help you build eating habits associated withreduced risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a healthierplanet- Simple 2-second draw-a-check-mark check-ins with fun, positiveresponses. No need to log every morsel of food or track calories.You can add optional info to keep a food diary if you’d like, butit’s not required.- Daily motivational reminders and tips based on your progress, soyou’ll have support to stay on track.- Each challenge has easy levels and free passes because we believein progress over perfection. For example, Level II is a 3 daychallenge and comes with a free pass, so you don’t need to go ‘coldturkey,’ and you’re more likely to stick with it.- Community support — you’ll be able share ideas, ask questions,and learn from thousands of others doing the same challenge as you.Soon, you’ll also be able to add a buddy to a challenge.- Each challenge comes with a Guidebook that includes tips,recipes, a shopping list, and more details on why this habit is agood idea.- Long term tracking on your profile so you’ll see how you compareto others, and how you’re doing over time.Some of our first challenges include:- Cut back on soda- No added sugar- Eat 3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day- Eat less meat- Go mostly Vegan- Cook dinner more often- Eat at least 1 distraction-free meal a day- Drink alcohol less often each weekYou won’t find any fad diets or crash cleanses on Foodstandbecause we know those don’t work. You’ll only find challenges tohelp you build good eating habits that will lead to long-termhealth.Our good eating challenges have been designed in collaborationwith several Registered Dietitians, Center for Science in thePublic Interest (CSPI), Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future,Meatless Monday, and several others.